on 9/21/2008

It all comes down to understanding what the best possible foods for you to eat
are. While each person will experience additional specific controls with the help of their doctor, most can benefit from these specific changes:

Drink at least 64 ounces of water per day.
Consume the right amount of fiber.
Reduce the amount of highly fatty foods and fried foods in your diet.
Instead of three large meals, eat six smaller ones.
Remove foods with fructose and sorbitol from your diet.
Reduce the amount of alcohol and caffeine in the diet to as low as possible.
Take a daily pure aloe vera supplement like Aloeride.

Doing these things is likely to help improving your diet and therefore improve your overall health including the reduction in IBS symptoms. Your doctor may have more detailed and specific directions for you to follow as well. Follow anything he says closely for the best results.

Considering Fiber
When it comes to IBS, many individuals need to carefully manage their fiber intake. Too much fiber leads to diarrhea where as not enough can cause constipation. What do you need?

The best thing to start with is to consume a variety of different types of fiber. You should consume fiber from fruits, whole grains and from vegetables. The best way to actually get your fiber and benefit from its overall ability is through these natural resources. Your body needs fiber for several reasons. For example, the gas that is produced by fiber is necessary to stimulate your colon muscles as well as to help soften your stool.

But, for some individuals that have IBS, this does cause a number of problems in the process. Adding too much fiber is usually the reasoning behind the discomfort that you face. For that reason, you should start to consume additional fiber from your regular diet slowly, monitoring how much you are getting in any one day.

The best ways to get these specific fiber additives is to consume foods that contain them including citrus foods, flaxseeds and legumes.

The end result is that the foods you eat, both good and bad, effect the way that your body reacts. By finding out what foods cause you to suffer and removing or limiting them, you can clearly see benefits in the long term when it comes to your overall health.

By eating a well balanced diet, taking your daily aloe vera supplement and restricting foods that trigger your IBS symptoms, you can inmediately and dramatically improve how often and how severe those symptoms can be.

About the Author:

Sharon James runs a successful alternative health website offering information on how aloe vera can relieve IBS symptoms and cure other digestive disorders

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/nutrition-articles/the-best-ibs-diet-suggestions-for-all-552610.html

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