on 11/13/2009

Diahhrea usually occurs more that 3 times a day and lasts a couple of days to a couple of weeks. A virus, a bacterial infection, or some type of food intolerance, a food that your stomach isn’t able to digest, usually causes the type of diahhrea that lasts just a few days.

If you have irritable bowel syndrome diahhrea, it lasts more than three weeks. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) involves the intestines. They can squeeze too hard making the food move to quickly though the intestines and result in diahhrea. If they don’t squeeze hard enough, the result can be constipation.

If you are convinced that your persistent diahhrea is due to IBS, you should see your doctor. There are over-the-counter treatments for IBS, but your doctor needs to confirm that IBS really is the issue and not something more serious. Your doctor will tell you that there is no actual cure for IBS, but there are ways to treat it and control it. The following talks about the different ways to treat your IBS-related diahhrea:


Changing to a healthier diet can help relieve those diahhrea symptoms. Some things to stay away from are caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, carbonated sodas, and artificial sweeteners. These things can all make diahhrea worse. Fried food and too much fiber can also be part of the problem, although you definitely don’t want to cut out fiber completely.

IBS Over-the-Counter Medicines

The things like Imodium a Maalox that ease the diahhrea, don’t help with any of the other IBS symptoms like bloating and stomach aches. Use the lowest dose of these anti-diahhreals because they can have some side effects.

Prescriptions Drugs

There are some prescription drugs that can help IBS diahhrea. Anti-spasmodics relax the muscles in your stomach to stop the cramping, muscle spasms and cause that come with IBS. Some doctors prescribe very mild anti-depressants strictly to treat the abdominal pain.

Manage Stress

If you have a lot of stress in your life, that definitely could be the underlying cause of your irritable bowel syndrome diahhrea. If this is the case, you need to do everything you can to reduce the stress in your life. Regular exercise, plenty of sleep, and even meditation can help distress your life.


Are You a Candidate For Irritable Bowel Syndrome? If you are, click here for some important information about this problem and what you can do to treat it.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/diseases-and-conditions-articles/is-irritable-bowel-syndrome-the-cause-of-your-diarrhea-what-can-you-do-to-stop-the-running-1312844.html

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